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Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

Methods of cost allocation in apartment buildings have undergone significant changes in recent years. The article offers a comprehensive overview of cost allocation methods in multi-dwelling units according to applicable regulations. It is intended mainly for owners of residential units, board members of homeowners associations, managers of housing cooperatives or individuals and companies managing residential buildings.
Cost allocation in apartment buildings is currently governed by two laws: Act No. 67/2013 Coll. and the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. These laws governed cost allocation in calendar year 2014 and apply also for 2015. The heating and hot water supply costs in MDUs from 2016 onwards will be allocated pursuant to the new decree No. 269/2015 Coll. and the amended Act No. 67/2013 Coll.

Ing. Jan Dvořák, Ing. Bohuslav Kratěna, Vladimír Hulena

Union for Elevator Industry summarizes the most important news in the standards and audits, as presented at the seminar Elevators 2014. This includes controversy with a new concept of authorized service company that has been published on our portal in advance.

Zákaz používání výtahu za požáru - výtah neslouží k evakuaci osob
plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection.

oprava výtahu
Ing. Bohuslav Kratěna, prezident UVP ČR, Ing. Jan Dvořák, generální sekretář UVP ČR

The puropose explanation concept of "authorized service company", which was introduced CSN 27 4002, and in particular to explain the reasons for the introduction of this concept led, was prepared this informative article. It is for owners and operators of elevators.

manažer s provozním řádem
Bc. Martin Hablovič, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra městského inženýrství

This article focuses on the issue of creation of operating rules that pertain to the field of operational documentation. Operating rules are an essential part of the efficient operation of the property. This article is targeted to the content site of operating rules by various functional use of objects. A method of operation of the building affects the composition of future operating rules. In this article, the individual include the composition and structure defined according to the method of use of the building.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The joint program to promote the replacement of boilers is spreading to various regions of the Czech Republic. The aim is to reduce subsidies to air pollution from small combustion plants using solid fuels. Refers to the local heating of the heat output of 50 kW. The subsidy is provided to the various types of boilers and applies only to the replacement of existing manually filled with solid fuel boilers with new efficient low-emission sources.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

Ing. Melichar Kopas, doc. Ing. Alena Pauliková, PhD.

Lifts (or elevators) are transport machines designed for vertical transport of persons and material in buildings. Taking into consideration the global systemisation of transport and handling machinery, lifts are belonging to the category of hoisting machines that are creating a wider sub-group of the whole system of transport and handling machines. There is known also a special category of electrically driven lifts. It is the category of lifts equipped by a chain, which is acting as tensile means instead of the steel wire ropes. This type of lift is equipped with platforms or cabs attached to a pair of continuously moving chains. These chains are running collaterally around the upper and bottom terminal chain wheels. Such lift doesn’t stop at each floor, but passengers are entering and getting out while a lift is moving. This sort of lift is called popularly “paternoster”. Despite of indisputable technically-operational advantages of the constantly moving lifts, it is necessary to find their era ending because they are considered to be dangerous in a majority of the EU-member countries. The “paternosters” are not able to fulfil principal requirements of the universal design, i.e. design, which is applicable for all people without limitations.

doc. Ing. Richard Nový, CSc.

The author is concerned with the design of flexible placing and the explanation of resonance effects in a flexible element of one-mass and two-mass placing machines on the basis of theoretical analyses and practical experiences. He highlights problems regarding rotational machines placed flexibly due to high excitation frequencies to be used for significantly lower excitation frequencies. He points out of the necessity of cooperation between the designer of the machine flexible placing and the building safety engineer in cases of light construction structures of floors and ceilings.

RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, DSc., Ústav fyziky materiálů, Akademie věd ČR

Author raises discussion and proposed changes in the rules of the energy audit. Draws attention to the criteria for evaluating alternatives and to small requirements for variability solutions. Read controversy of the author and reviewer who considers the methodology as sufficient and sees a problem in processing audits.

Václav Vaněk, soudní znalec v oboru Výtahy

The article presents facts about the occurrence and status of lifts in blocks of flats. In it can be seen all the types of lifts of the manufacturers of the time, which were installed in panel buildings, and their operational risks from the perspective of CSN EN 81-80. The period mapped goes from 1965 through 1993.

Václav Vaněk, soudní znalec v oboru Výtahy

After the re-evaluation of the European standards EN 1981-1980, and their incorporation to the Czech technical standards in 2004, there has been an increasing trend in the safety levels of elevators by way of eliminating risks, which has been met with positive response.


Even wind power plants need means of transportation to take service crews to their workplaces. At the moment, there is no European standard for this kind of equipment – though it is prepared, so let's have a look through the eyes of the author of this article at how this issue is seen in North America, and what was exhibited related to it at the trade fair in Chicago.

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